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Find text

To search for text in the buffer, use the find command.

Ctrl-Shift-F (find-text)
Ctrl-F (View or line-edit modes only)

Enter find-text mode.

The find command takes a string or regular expression, and highlights al matches. Assuming we’re sarching forwards, the first match that starts at or after the “base position” is selected, with the focus position set to the end of the match. The base position is initially the caret (focus position if defined, otherwise the output position). Each “selection-next” sets the base position to the focus position, and redoes the search.

Down (find-next-match)

Select the next match: Sets the base position to focus position and redoes the search in forward direction. Sets the search direction to forwards: Editing the search will selection the first match after the base position.

Up (find-previous-match)

Select the previous match. Sets the search direction to backwards: Editing the search will selection the first match before the base position.

Alt-C (find-toggle-match-case)

Enable or disable case-matching.

Alt-W (find-toggle-match-word)

Enable or disable matching of whole words (match must start and end on a word boundary).

Alt-R (find-toggle-match-case)

Enable or disable searching using regular expressions.

Escape (find-exit)

Exit find mode, setting the selection to the current match.

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