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Deprecated low-level functions

These sections document older and less convenient ways to call Java methods, access Java fields, and use Java arrays.

Low-level Method invocation

The following lower-level primitives require you to specify the parameter and return types explicitly. You should probably use the functions invoke and invoke-static (see Calling Java methods from Scheme) instead.

Syntax: primitive-constructor class (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will create a new object of the specified class, and will then call the constructor matching the specified argument types.

Syntax: primitive-virtual-method class method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the instance method whose name is the string method in the class whose name is class.

Syntax: primitive-static-method class method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the static method whose name is the string method in the class whose name is class.

Syntax: primitive-interface-method interface method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the matching method from the interface whose name is interface.

The macros return procedure values, just like lambda. If the macros are used directly as the procedure of a procedure call, then kawa can inline the correct bytecodes to call the specified methods. (Note also that neither macro checks that there really is a method that matches the specification.) Otherwise, the Java reflection facility is used.

Low-level field operations

The following macros evaluate to procedures that can be used to access or change the fields of objects or static fields. The compiler can inline each to a single bytecode instruction (not counting type conversion).

These macros are deprecated. The fields and static-field functions (see Accessing object fields) are easier to use, more powerful, and just as efficient. However, the high-level functions currently do not provide access to non-public fields.

Syntax: primitive-get-field class fname ftype

Use this to access a field named fname having type type in class class. Evaluates to a new one-argument procedure, whose argument is a reference to an object of the specified class. Calling that procedure returns the value of the specified field.

Syntax: primitive-set-field class fname ftype

Use this to change a field named fname having type type in class class. Evaluates to a new two-argument procedure, whose first argument is a reference to an object of the specified class, and the second argument is the new value. Calling that procedure sets the field to the specified value. (This macro’s name does not end in a ‘!’, because it does not actually set the field. Rather, it returns a function for setting the field.)

Syntax: primitive-get-static class fname ftype

Like primitive-get-field, but used to access static fields. Returns a zero-argument function, which when called returns the value of the static field.

Syntax: primitive-set-static class fname ftype

Like primitive-set-field, but used to modify static fields. Returns a one-argument function, which when called sets the value of the static field to the argument.

Old low-level array macros

The following macros evaluate to procedures that can be used to manipulate primitive Java array objects. The compiler can inline each to a single bytecode instruction (not counting type conversion).

Syntax: primitive-array-new element-type

Evaluates to a one-argument procedure. Applying the resulting procedure to an integer count allocates a new Java array of the specified length, and whose elements have type element-type.

Syntax: primitive-array-set element-type

Evaluates to a three-argument procedure. The first argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type; the second argument is an index; and the third argument is a value (coercible to element-type) which replaces the value specified by the index in the given array.

Syntax: primitive-array-get element-type

Evaluates to a two-argument procedure. The first argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type; the second argument is an index. Applying the procedure returns the element at the specified index.

Syntax: primitive-array-length element-type

Evaluates to a one-argument procedure. The argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type. Applying the procedure returns the length of the array. (Alternatively, you can use (field array 'length).)

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